
Easy to use, zero dependency abstraction over window.fetch

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import simplerFetch from '';



simpler-fetch is an abstraction on top of the window.fetch method with ZERO dependencies of around 1.1kb and around 0.5kb with level 6 gzip.

It DOES NOT introduce any new features at all. It only makes it easier and nicer to work with the fetch method, such as by providing a simple way to set baseUrls, and by providing a method to delay generating headers.

This library is a JS module, which can be tree shaked when using with a bundler.

Note that this does not test if window.fetch is available to save that few bytes. If window.fetch is not available, do not load this library directly, load a polyfill first before loading this library.


This library exposes the functions, _fetch, fcf, oof. Below are examples of how to use them, where all will achieve the same result.


Simple fetch abstraction to refactor the API and does body stringification if needed.

This is the bare minimum abstraction and used by oof and fcf under the hood, not recommended unless you have a very specific use case. The oof and fcf abstractions are alot nicer to work with.

import { _fetch } from "simpler-fetch";

(async function () {
  const response = await _fetch(
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",

        randomHeader: true,
        anotherHeader: "value",
        lastHeader: 1,
    { test: true, anotherTest: "testing" }
  ).then((response) => response.json());

  console.log("Response", response);


oof: Object Oriented Fetch abstraction over _fetch. This object oriented approach gives users a familiar chainable interface to build their API calls.

Basic GET Example using es6 import syntax with bundlers

import { oof } from "simpler-fetch";

(async function () {
  // Set Base URL once and all subsequent API calls with use this base API url
  oof._baseUrl = "";
  // Base URL can be set like this if using a bundler that injects NODE_ENV in
  // oof._baseUrl =
  //   process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
  //     ? ""
  //     : "http://localhost:3000";

  // Make a GET request to and parse the response as JSON
  const response = await oof

  console.log("Response", response);

Basic POST Example

import { oof } from "simpler-fetch";

(async function () {
  oof._baseUrl = "";

  // Make a POST request and use a bunch of different ways to generate header values
  // Manually parse the response as JSON, the shortform `runJSON` can also be used
  // Use the `run` method if you need to parse the response as something else like text
  const response = await oof
    // Can be a synchronous function that returns a header object
    .header(() => ({ randomHeader: true, anotherHeader: "value" }))
    // Can be an asynchronous function that returns a header Promise<object>
    .header(async () => ({ asyncHeader: await Promise.resolve("value") }))
    // Can also just directly pass in a header object. Header method can be called multiple times
    .header({ lastHeader: 1 })
    .data({ test: true, anotherTest: "testing" })
    .then((response) => response.json());

  console.log("Response", response);

Using a different base URL for one off API call

import { oof } from "simpler-fetch";

(async function () {
  oof._baseUrl = "";

  // Make a API call to a different API domain, but only for this single request by using a full URL path
  // The library will check if http:// or https:// is included in the URL, and skip base URL if included
  // Any subsequent API calls will still use the default "" as base URL
  const response = await oof

  // Subsequent API calls with just the path and not a full URL will have the base URL appended,
  // So in this case, this is a GET request to
  const response = await oof

  console.log("Response", response);


fcf: Functional, Curried, Fetch abstraction over _fetch. This is for users who prefer a more functional approach to building API data before calling the API.

import { fcf } from "simpler-fetch";

(async function () {
  const fetch = fcf("http://localhost:3000");

  const response = await fetch("/test")({
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/json",

      randomHeader: true,
      anotherHeader: "value",
      lastHeader: 1,
  })({ test: true, anotherTest: "testing" }).then((response) =>

  console.log("Response", response);

Using with firebase auth

See documentation for using this lib with firebase authentication

License, Author and Contributing

This project is developed and made available under the MIT License. Feel free to use it however you like!

If you have any questions, open a github issue!
