
An express-style router middleware for koa.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sirenRouter from '';


An express-style router middleware for koa

Build Status

siren-router extends the koa-router by:

  • Support for mounting generator function and koa instance using app.mount.
  • Remove routerPath in Router.
  • Auto replacing ctx.path and ctx.params when enter a router and restore back when exit the router.
  • Support middleware array to pass in app[verb].


npm install --save siren-router


npm install git://


The usage is the same as koa-router, except:

Multiple routers

You can use multiple routers and sets of routes by omitting the app argument. For example, separate routers for two versions of an API:

var koa = require('koa');
  , mount = require('koa-mount')
  , Router = require('koa-router');

var app = koa();

var APIv1 = new Router({ mergeParams: true });
var app2 = koa();

APIv1.get('/sign-in', function *() {
  // ...

app2.use(function *() {
  // ...

  .mount('/v1', APIv1)
  .mount('/v2', app2); // You can mount the application directly.


Router#verb([name, ]path, middleware[, middleware...])

Match URL patterns to callback functions or controller actions using router.verb(), where verb is one of the HTTP verbs such as router.get() or

  .get('/', function *(next) {
    this.body = 'Hello World!';
  .post('/users', [
    function *(next) {
      // ...
    }, function *(next) {
      // ...
  ], function *(next) {
      // ...
  .put('/users/:id', function *(next) {
    // ...
  .delete('/users/:id', function *(next) {
    // ...
  .mount('/users/:id', function *(next) {
    // ...

Route paths will be translated to regular expressions used to match requests.

Query strings will not be considered when matching requests.


Create route for path starting with "/prefix/:id" using router.mount() or router.use():

app.mount("/prefix/:id", function *(next) {
  // This will match paths like /prefix/abcd, /prefix/abcd/dffgf, etc.

Notice that the mounting path is forced to be strict, no matter what the opts.strict is.

Auto Replace and Restore the ctx.path and ctx.params

When enter the router, the ctx.params will replace/merge (according to opts.mergeParams).

  .use('/:id', function *(next) {
    console.log(this.path); // => '/update'
    console.log(this.params); // => { id: 'alex' }
    yield *next;
    console.log(this.path); // => '/update'
    console.log(this.params); // => { id: 'alex' }
  .get('/alex/:action', function *(next) {
    console.log(this.path); // => '/'
    console.log(this.params); // => { action: 'update' }
    yield *next;
    console.log(this.path); // => '/'
    console.log(this.params); // => { action: 'update' }


Tests use mocha and can be run with npm:

npm test

MIT Licensed