Sirius Explorer
A Sirius blockchain explorer web application service for Siriuscore Node using the Sirius API.
Getting Started
Install nvm
We need Node 8. Nvm is a nice utility that allows easy switching between node versions.nvm i v8 nvm use v8
Install mongo
Then open a Mongodb client window and create a user and database:
use sirius-api-livenet db.createUser( { user: "sirius", pwd: "mynewpassword", roles: [ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" ] } )
Sirius wallet installation
Compile the addressindex branch and make sure you have ZMQ installed
# Dependencies sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake pkg-config libssl-dev libevent-dev bsdmainutils git cmake libboost-all-dev sudo apt-get install software-properties-common sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev # with ZMQ sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev # If you want to build the Qt GUI: sudo apt-get install libqt5gui5 libqt5core5a libqt5dbus5 qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler qrencode # Get the Sirius wallet git clone cd sirius git fetch origin git checkout addressindex # Note autogen will prompt to install some more dependencies if needed ./ ./configure make -j2
Install siriuscore-node
mkdir siriusnode cd siriusnode npm i siriuscore-node ./node_modules/.bin/siriuscore-node create mynode cd mynode ../node_modules/.bin/siriuscore-node install ../node_modules/.bin/siriuscore-node install
Edit siriuscore-node.json to be similar to this (replace user with your username):
{ "network": "livenet", "port": 3001, "services": [ "siriusd", "web", "sirius-insight-api", "sirius-explorer" ], "servicesConfig": { "sirius-explorer": { "apiPrefix": "sirius-insight-api", "routePrefix": "sirius-explorer", "nodemapLink": "" }, "sirius-insight-api": { "routePrefix": "sirius-insight-api", "db": { "user": "sirius", "password": "mynewpassword", "host": "localhost", "port": 27017, "database": "sirius-api-livenet" }, "erc20": { "updateFromBlockHeight": 5000 } }, "siriusd": { "spawn": { "datadir": "/home/user/.sirius", "exec": "/home/user/sirius/src/siriusd" } } } }
Configure Sirius and sync the blockchain
cd ~ mkdir .sirius cd .sirius touch sirius.conf
Edit sirius.conf:
server=1 whitelist= logevents=1 txindex=1 addressindex=1 timestampindex=1 spentindex=1 par=2 onlynet=ipv4 maxconnections=24 zmqpubrawtx=tcp:// zmqpubhashblock=tcp:// rpcallowip= rpcuser=user rpcpassword=password rpcport=8332 addrindex=1 reindex=1
Run siriusd and sync the chain:
cd ~/sirius/src ./siriusd &
You can check the progress of the sync with the
command. Kill the daemon once the chain is synchronized../sirius-cli getInfo pkill siriusd
You only need to run siriusd once with
enabled. Once the chain is synced you can kill siriusd and comment the reindex setting in ~/.sirius/sirius.conf#reindex=1
Run Node (from the mynode folder):
../node_modules/.bin/siriuscore-node start
Open a web browser to
To run Insight UI locally in development mode:
Install dependencies:
npm install
To compile and minify the web application's assets:
grunt compile
There is a convenient Gruntfile.js for automation during editing the code
Multi language support
Insight UI uses angular-gettext for multi language support.
To enable a text to be translated, add the translate directive to html tags. See more details here. Then, run:
grunt compile
This action will create a template.pot file in po/ folder. You can open it with some PO editor (Poedit). Read this guide to learn how to edit/update/import PO files from a generated POT file. PO file will be generated inside po/ folder.
If you make new changes, simply run grunt compile again to generate a new .pot template and the angular javascript js/translations.js. Then (if use Poedit), open .po file and choose update from POT File from Catalog menu.
Finally changes your default language from public/src/js/config
gettextCatalog.currentLanguage = 'es';
This line will take a look at any *.po files inside po/ folder, e.g. po/es.po, po/nl.po. After any change do not forget to run grunt compile.
For more details about the Sirius API configuration and end-points, go to Sirius API.