
Works but experimental at the the moment. Meant to be a fast but extremely flexible way to create a site. This allows you to build a static site using mongo. To use create a new project and then npm install --save site-builder in index.js put something like

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import siteBuilder from '';



Works but experimental at the the moment. Meant to be a fast but extremely flexible way to create a site.

This allows you to build a static site using mongo.

To use create a new project and then

npm install --save site-builder

in index.js put something like

var sb = require('site-builder'),
    myProjectDb = 'something';

    .catch(function(error) {
        console.log('error:', error);

Now you can make a site in a few steps:

  1. Makes some modules using the url pattern: /admin/module/[module name]
  2. Create pages from these modules: [route]/edit
  3. View your site: [route]

Important urls

  • create a module
    • http://localhost:4321/admin/module/[name of module you want to create]
  • create a page (you need at least one module)
    • http://localhost:4321/[name of page you want]/edit
  • view a page
    • http://localhost:4321/[name of page you want]
  • list all modules and pages
    • http://localhost:4321/admin/