
Fetch data from json and puts in web page

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sitejson from '';



This is Node commandline application used to read data from json file and puts that data into the web page.

How to install

npm install sitejson --save

Folder Structure

    |-- 1.html
    |-- 2.html


We need to define the placeholder in the html page. Placeholder should be a single word wrap with ++ as it will be the key in json to represent it's content. For eg.

<!DOCTYPE html>


'pagedata.json' contains all the data in key value form. As mention earlier key will be the placeholder used in html file. For eg.

    "title": "My Page",
    "content1": "This is data of content1",
    "content2": "This is data of content2"	

By default program reads 'input' directory to get list of html files. We can specify the name of directory which contains html files as a parameter on commandline.

node myprogram.js ./inputFilesDirectory
node myprogram.js ./allFiles/subDirectory

How to RUN

Create the program file say run-me.js and add the following code.

var sitejson = require('sitejson');	

Now open the command prompt and traverse to the directory where run-me.js is located. Run the following command

node run-me

then we can see the log of files which are process on console and final process files would be available at output folder.