Sitemap B Framework
Advanced Sitemap Management, Generating & Deployment Framework [Open Source]
More info on sitemaps here
Note: General Availability (GA) Now
npm i sitemap-b-framework --save
- Simple and Advanced Sitemap with Index supported
- Auto Deploy Generated Sitemap to S3 or Google Cloud Storage Buckets
- Persistent Local JSON File as Database
- Auto Build and Deploy to Buckets or Local Storage with Manual Trigger and CRON
- Backup Sitemap JSON DB and Sitemap XML to Buckets with Manual Trigger and CRON
- Webpages, Image, Video, News Sitemap Supported
- Sitemap Links with Limit and Locking Constraints In Options
Simple Usage
var sitemapBFramework = require("sitemap-b-framework");
var SitemapBFramework = new sitemapBFramework();
// sitemapItemAdd(itemLoc, sitemapName @optional, lastmod @optional, changefreq @optional, priority @optional);
const data = await SitemapBFramework.sitemapItemAdd('');
const data = await SitemapBFramework.sitemapBuildAndDeploy();
// Sitemap XML files will be generated at ./sitemap-xml/build folder;
Advanced Usage
var sitemapBFramework = require("sitemap-b-framework");
// Refer options in heading below for more documentation
const options = {
maxLinksPerSitemap: 50000,
cron: '0 1 * * *',
deployToBucket: {
s3: {
accessKeyId: "Access Key ID",
secretAccessKey: "Secret Key",
bucket: "Name of Bucket",
path: "Path Inside Bucket",
makePublic: true | false,
var SitemapBFramework = new sitemapBFramework(options);
Add sitemap index file for multiple sitemaps
sitemapIndexAdd(sitemapName, loc, type @optional, limit @optional, locked @optional);
sitemapName = sitemapName
loc = location url
type = webpages,news,image,video
limit = 0 to 50000
locked = true or false // default false - Avoid inserting ,updating or deleting a sitemap items.
build_deploy = true or false // default true - Make to false once deployed for very large or not mostly changing sitemap files.
await SitemapBFramework.sitemapIndexAdd('sitemap-products','https://sitemap/sitemap-products.xml','webpages',50000,false, true);
Add sitemap links to each sitemap file
sitemapItemAdd(itemLoc, sitemapName @optional, lastmod @optional, changefreq @optional, priority @optional);
sitemapName = sitemapName
itemLoc = each item location
lastmod = Last Modified Date YYYY-MM-DD
changefreq = always, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, never
priority = 0.1 to 1.0
await SitemapBFramework.sitemapItemAdd('','sitemap-products','2020-05-10','monthly',0.5);
Build Sitemap Index and Sitemap Files and Deploy To Buckets - AWS S3 or GCP GCS
- Sitemap generated at default folder ./sitemap-xml/build , Can be overridden in option parameters
- Deploying To Buckets depends on options parameters
- Auto Build can be trigger on cron parameters in options
await SitemapBFramework.sitemapBuildAndDeploy();
- Default path for framework data stored as json files at ./sitemap-config
- Default path for lastest generated sitemap files are stored at ./sitemap-xml/build
- Persistent storage requires for ./sitemap-config path for all operations
Options Allowed
const options = {
path: 'data/sitemap', // Persistent folder location, optional
maxLinksPerSitemap: 15000, // Max of 50000 links allowed per sitemap file, optional
build: { // optional
cron: "Cron Expression to auto build sitemap files and deploy to bucket if defined", // optional
deployToBucket: { // optional
gcs: {
projectId: "GCP Project ID",
service_account_key_path: "Path to gcp service account json file",
bucket: "Name of Bucket",
path: "Path Inside Bucket",
makePublic: true | false,
s3: {
accessKeyId: "Access Key ID",
secretAccessKey: "Secret Key",
bucket: "Name of Bucket",
path: "Path Inside Bucket",
makePublic: true | false,
backup: { // optional
cron: "Cron Expression to auto backup framework data and sitemap xml files to bucket if defined", // optional
bakcupToBucket: { // optional
gcs: {
projectId: "GCP Project ID",
service_account_key_path: "Path to gcp service account json file",
bucket: "Name of Bucket",
path: "Path Inside Bucket"
s3: {
accessKeyId: "Access Key ID",
secretAccessKey: "Secret Key",
bucket: "Name of Bucket",
path: "Path Inside Bucket"
Methods Available
//sitemapIndexAdd(sitemapName, loc, type @optional, limit @optional, locked @optional, build_deploy @optional);
sitemapIndexAdd('sitemap-products', 'https://sitemap/sitemap-products.xml', 'webpages', 50000, false, true);
//sitemapIndexUpdate(sitemapName, loc, type @optional, limit @optional, locked @optional, build_deploy @optional);
sitemapIndexUpdate('sitemap-products', 'https://sitemap/sitemap-products-new.xml', 'webpages', 50000, false, true);
//sitemapItemAdd(itemLoc, sitemapName @optional, lastmod @optional, changefreq @optional, priority @optional);
sitemapItemAdd('', 'sitemap-products', '2020-05-10', 'monthly', 0.5);
//sitemapItemAdd(olditemLoc, itemLoc , sitemapName @optional, lastmod @optional, changefreq @optional, priority @optional);
sitemapItemUpdate('', '', 'sitemap-products', '2020-05-10', 'daily', 0.9);
//sitemapItemDelete(itemLoc, sitemapName @optional);
sitemapItemDelete('', 'sitemap-products', );
//sitemapItemList(sitemapName @optional);
Contributors are welcome
See LICENSE file.
Note: General Availability (GA) Now