
An hosts file manager and virtual hosts manager.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sitify from '';


What is Sitify? npm version GitHub version


If you, like me, have a dynamic web projects environment, it means, if you have something like this on your Apache configurations (or whatever you use):

<Virtualhost *:80>
    VirtualDocumentRoot "D:/Dev/www/%1/wwwroot"
    ServerAlias *.dev
    UseCanonicalName Off

You know that if you go to it will show you the content of the D:/Dev/www/webproj/wwwroot folder. It is dynamic.

After mounted this system, I wanted for a tool which function is the automatic creation of those folders and the respective hosts entry.


Firstly, make sure if you have Node.js installed. After that you should run:

$ [sudo] npm install sitify -g


First of all, you must configure Sitify. To do it you should run the following command and set all of the configurations:

$ sitify config -c

To get more information about all of the commands, you just have to run sitify or even sitify -h.