
This is a wrapper around Discord JS with some conveiniance functions to speedup bot development. This is created to aid Pokémon Go groups, but can be adapted for more general use.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sittardGoBot from '';


Sittard Go Discord bot bootstrap

This is a wrapper around Discord JS with some conveiniance functions to speedup bot development. This is created to aid Pokémon Go groups, but can be adapted for more general use.

Some of the helper methods are:

  • Reply; To reply directly to a message object (bot messages are ignored by default)
  • Send; Just use a channel name or id to post a message.
  • Finding admins / mods
  • Creating rich embeds
  • etc...


$ npm install sittard-go-bot


To create a bot call new SittardGoBot.Bot(config), where the config contains all your channel and bot data. After that you can call the connect() method on the returned object.

First off you might want to generate a configuration file. To do this, just call the Bot() method in your file without a config. after that run your file with the flag -g or --generate (eg. node my_file.js -g). Now a config.json is created and you can edit this with your bot and guild info.

For a quick start look at the included example.js file or read the source to get a full scope of the methods available.