
A fully configurable poker game engine

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<script type="module">
  import sixOfSpades from '';


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A fully configurable poker game engine


The purpose of this library is to able to handle all logic behind running a poker game.

It is flexible in terms of ranking system, betting structure and table size.

This library is not optimized for speed. If you're looking for a fast algorithm to evaluate hand values I would recommend The Two Plus Two Poker Hand Rank Evaluator.

Code examples

What would a library be without some code examples.

Finding best hand out of list of cards

With variants like Hold'Em or Stud it is usefull to find the best hand combination out of a list of cards.

const Poker = require('./lib/Poker.js');

let poker = new Poker();

let hand = poker.findBestHand(["5c", "Td", "4c", "6c", "Js", "7c", "9h", "Qs", "8c", "3c", "2d"]);

//=> "Straight flush"

//=> "Straight flush, Eight high"

Different ranking systems

Here is an example using Ace-to-five low instead of the traditional ranking. Allowed values are Poker.RANKING_TRADITIONAL, Poker.RANKING_ACE_TO_FIVE, and Poker.RANKING_DEUCE_TO_SEVEN.

const Poker = require('./lib/Poker.js');

let poker = new Poker({
    ranking: Poker.RANKING_ACE_TO_FIVE

let hand = poker.convertHand(["6c", "2d", "3h", "4s", "5d"]);

//=> "Six low"

//=> "6,5,4,3,2"