A E2E testing tool for the Xignite data.
Usage: To use XigniteSymbolAgent => In command line => node RunXigniteSymbolAgent.js "instrumentClassType"[Index, MutualFunds]; => The symbols will be stored into /Symbols/"instrumentClassType"
SymbolRequester: Fetch all the symbols of a instrumentClass from Xignite public website. categorize and store them into differernt files with group name as the file name.
User input a parameter to indicate the input template
inputParser parses this input template into an arry of "XigniteDataRequestDTO"s. XigniteDataRequestDTO will contain info: 1) the raw url 2) domain and parameters for HTTP request 3) srcFile to load placeHolder 4) dstFile to store the result
Store result in this format. { "placeHolder1" : { srcURL: result: {} }, "placeHolder2" : { srcURL: result:{} }, ... }
/ErrorHandler: Log4js.js: logger Domain.js: catch error at a global level
/IO HttpAgent.js: send http request using "superagent" library FileManager: Uniform the input relative filePath, assuming the /nodeCrawler as the root Delete a entire folder if there is no files in it. Can write into a file which doesn't exist before by creating its parent folder and that file first.