
Command line interface for validating .sjml

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import sjmlValidate from '';


sjml-validate usage guide

1. Install node.js (prerequisite)

1-1 On windows

1) Download LTS version installer

2) Install via the installer

3) Verify installation

node -v
npm -v

1-2 On linux

1) Install nvm

curl -o- | bash

2) Restart terminal

3) Install node LTS version

nvm install --lts

4) Verify installation

node -v
npm -v

2. Install sjml-validate

npm install sjml-validate -g

3. Usage

sjmlv <options>  // run validator
sjmlc <options>  // run converter

3.1 Validator

Validator Options

option description
-s, --schema <schema_type > set a schema type (required)
-i, --input <dir_path > set an input dir path: read files recursively (required)
-e, --ext [extention_name ] set an extention name of target input files (optional)
(default: sjml)
-o, --output [dir_path ] set an output dir path (optional)
(default: ./output/)
-w, --withEsc run with escaping: available with SERW, EXRW (optional)
(default: without escaping)
-h, --help output usage information

Validator Schema Type

type description
WXRW 원시 검증: 문어(상상, 정보, 기타)
WCRW 원시 검증: 문어(잡지)
NXRW 원시 검증: 신문
EXRW 원시 검증: 웹
SXRW 원시 검증: 구어(공적독백, 공적대화)
SDRW 원시 검증: 구어(일상대화)
SERW 원시 검증: 준구어(대본)
MXRW 원시 검증: 메신저대화

3.2 Converter

Converter Options

option description
-s, --schema <schema_type > set a schema type (required)
-i, --input <dir_path > set an input dir path: read files recursively (required)
-e, --ext [extention_name ] set an extention name of target input files (optional)
(default: sjml)
-o, --output [dir_path ] set an output dir path (optional)
(default: ./output/)
-h, --help output usage information

Converter Schema Type

type description
WXRW 원문->원시: 문어(상상, 정보, 기타)
WCRW 원문->원시: 문어(잡지)
NXRW 원문->원시: 신문

4. Examples

sjmlv -s SDRW -i "..\데이터\일상 대화" -e SJML
sjmlv --schema=SDRW --input="..\데이터\일상 대화" --ext=SJML
sjmlv -s EXRW -i ..\데이터\웹 -o ..\output -w
sjmlc -s NXRW -i ..\데이터\신문 -e xml -o ..\output
sjmlc --input=..\데이터\신문 --output=../output --schema=WXRW