Ska Suite Forms is an npm package.
// with npm
npm install ska-suite-form --save
// with yarn
yarn add ska-suite-form
Peer Dependencies
Npm documentation about Peer dependencies
"peerDependencies": {
"prop-types": "^15.7.2",
"react": "^16.8.4",
"react-dom": "^16.8.4"
Minimal example :
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import QuestionForm from "ska-suite-form";
import Form from "./form"; // Check API for more information
function App() {
return (
onFormSent={(participation) => console.log(participation)}
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.querySelector('#app'));
All Style props object must follow React inline style
Props | Type | Required | Description |
questionForm | object | ✓ | Object generated by Reception Desk Web Designer |
width | string | ✓ | Any valid css width ("100%", "500px" ...) |
lang | string | ✓ | Language code in which the form will be displayed ("FR", "EN"), must be available in the questionForm props |
onFormSent | function | ✓ | Callback for when the form is sent (returns Participation object) |
accentColor | string | ✓ | Hexa code of the accent color used in the form ("#0099BC") |
questionFormTextStyle | object | ✘ | Style of the question form title text |
questionTextStyle | object | ✘ | Style of the question title text |
questionContainerStyle | object | ✘ | Style of the question container |
answerTextStyle | object | ✘ | Style of the answer text |
answerContainerStyle | object | ✘ | Style of the answer container |
inputStyle | object | ✘ | Style of the inputs (contact form) |
thankMessage | string | ✘ | Custom message when form is completed |
thankMessageStyle | object | ✘ | Style of the message when form is completed |