
Templating easily

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skalebTemplatizer from '';



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The Templatizer is essentially a glorified search and replace function. Given a string template with certain variables that require to be replaced and an object containing the replacement variables, the templatizer will recursively loop through the variables until all templated variables have been replaced with the given replacements. It returns a string value which contains the newly replaced templated value.


To install this package you can simply use the install command below.

$ npm i --save skaleb-templatizer


import { Templatizer } from './Templatizer'

// New instantiation of the templatizer
const templatizer = new Templatizer()

.templatize templates a given template with the replacements supplied.

const template = 'This {{VAR1}} will be {{VAR2}} and returned'
const replacements = {
  var1: 'sentence',
  var2: 'templated'

const templated = templatizer.templatize(template, replacements)

// This sentence will be templated and returned

.setTemplateStyle sets the indicators indicating the variables within the template. Default for open {{ and default for close }}

const template = 'This {VAR1} will be {VAR2} and returned'
const replacements = {
  var1: 'sentence',
  var2: 'templated'

const templated = templatizer.setTemplateStyle('{', '}')
  .templatize(template, replacements)

// This sentence will be templated and returned


This project is completely covered by unit tests. Various cases have been accounted for both in the codebase and in the tests covering it. If a bug is picked up regarding the test suite or code, feel free to make a contribution to help correct the bug.

To run the tests, you can simply run the following test command/s.

$ npm run lint
$ npm run test
$ npm run coverage


Feedback and contributions are more than welcome. Should you feel there is something you wish to contribute to this paginator, feel free to make a merge request. Ensure that whatever proposed change, has tests covering various cases for the change.