
TUI client for

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skater from '';



Skate is an early desktop Node.js client for Hue. It works on GNU/Linux and macOS.


  • Node LTS, blessed, node-notifier,
  • On GNU/Linux, libnotify-bin for displaying notifications


The short way

npm install -g skater

The long way

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Get an account on
  3. Install dependencies: npm install
  4. Generate configuration file on $HOME: node skate.js
  5. Set username, password, roomid and notifications ("toasts"), and the clock function 4.1 Available modes for toasts are 0 for no notifications, 1 for notifications on mention and 2 for notifications for chat messages. vim ~/.skater-configuration.json 4.2 The clock can be set to 1 to display the time on events, and 0 to disable this
  6. Come on feet, run the thing: node skate.js

Available commands

  • /quit: Quits the program.
  • /topic: Prints the current topic.
  • /list: Lists the online users on the room.
  • /tv < YouTube URL | Twitch URL | Generic video URL >: Tunes the room TV to the specified link.
  • /image < Image URL >: Changes the room displayed image to the specified link.
  • /skater < disableToasts | enableToasts >: Enables or disables notifications temporarily.
  • /nick nickname: Changes your name