
Periodically check for and queue work to be done!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skedgy from '';



Periodically check for and queue work to be done!

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Skedgy (pronounced "ske-gee") is an opinionated scheduling library for NodeJS. The purpose of skedgy is to periodically check for work with a random delay between each check, as well as queue and execute tasks with a random delay between each execution. The goal was to create a scheduler that acts naturally, not with exact timing that can be tracked. Tasks are always run one at a time and never retried.


import { Scheduler } from 'skedgy';

// Create a limited set of random 'response' data...
const responses = Array(10).fill(0).map((x) => Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 10));

// Pretend this is a much cooler check...
async function someExternalRequest(): Promise<string> {
  await randomDelay(3000);
  return responses.pop();

// Pretend this is a much cooler action...
async function processData(text: string) {
  await randomDelay(3000);
  await randomDelay(1000);

class ExampleScheduler extends Scheduler<string> {
  protected async poll(): Promise<void> {
    let result = await someExternalRequest();
  protected async work(item: string): Promise<void> {
    await processData(item);

const sched = new ExampleScheduler({
  pollMinDelay: 3000,
  pollMaxDelay: 8000,
  taskMinDelay: 3000,
  taskMaxDelay: 5000

// Start the scheduler...

setTimeout(() => {
    // Force stop after 60s...
}, 60 * 1000);

function randomDelay(delay: number) {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, Math.random() * delay));


  • Simple to use API.
  • Built on Promises!
  • Randomly vary the interval between polling.
  • Throttle the work functions with a random range (so it's not predictable).
  • Persists work to super simple, overridable queue (defaults to in-mem queue).


  1. Fork it
  2. npm i
  3. npm run watch
  4. Make changes and write tests.
  5. Send pull request! :sunglasses:
