
Easily schedule interval-based processes in Node.js!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skedula from '';


⏰ Skedula

Easily (node-cron-based) schedule interval-based processes in Node.js!

Why use Skedula over setInterval?

Skedula uses node-cron in the backend to schedule tasks when a CRON expression ticks, rather than waiting to execute a function using system time. This improves program efficiency greatly.

⬇ Installation

If you're using npm:

npm install skedula

Or, if you're using yarn:

yarn add skedula

💥 Usage

In JavaScript:

const { Skedula } = require('skedula')

// Log every second
const scheduledTask = Skedula.secondInterval(() => {
    console.log('This should log every second.')
}, 1)

// Stop in 5 seconds
setTimeout(() => { scheduledTask.stop() }, 5000)

In TypeScript:

import { Skedula } from 'skedula'

// Log every second
const scheduledTask = Skedula.secondInterval(() => {
    console.log('This should log every second.')
}, 1)

// Stop in 5 seconds
setTimeout(() => { scheduledTask.stop() }, 5000)


Skedula Functions

secondInterval (returns void)

Run a function every n seconds.

  • callback ((..args:any[])=>void) The function to call.
  • every (number) The interval, in seconds.
  • ...args (any[]?) The arguments to pass into the function.

minuteInterval (returns void)

Run a function every n minutes.

  • callback ((..args:any[])=>void) The function to call.
  • every (number) The interval, in minutes.
  • ...args (any[]?) The arguments to pass into the function.

hourInterval (returns void)

Run a function every n hours.

  • callback ((..args:any[])=>void) The function to call.
  • every (number) The interval, in hours.
  • ...args (any[]?) The arguments to pass into the function.

dailyInterval (returns void)

Run a function every n days.

  • callback ((..args:any[])=>void) The function to call.
  • every (number) The interval, in days.
  • ...args (any[]?) The arguments to pass into the function.


Schedule a function called precisely at a certain time, range, or interval.

  • callback ((..args:any[])=>void) The function to call.
  • args (any[], default []) The arguments to pass into the function.
  • dayOfWeek (DayOfWeek or Interval<Range<DayOfWeek> or DayOfWeek or SkedulaWildcard> or Range<DayOfWeek> or SkedulaWildcard, default *) The day of the week to call the function. Leave undefined or null for every day of the week.
  • month (Month or Interval<Range<Month> or Month or SkedulaWildcard> or Range<Month> or SkedulaWildcard, default *) The month to call the function. Leave undefined or null for every month of the year.
  • day (Day or Interval<Range<Day> or Day or SkedulaWildcard> or Range<Day> or SkedulaWildcard, default *) The day of the month to call the function. Leave undefined or null for every day of the month.
  • hour (Hour or Interval<Range<Hour> or Hour or SkedulaWildcard> or Range<Hour> or SkedulaWildcard, default *) The hour of the day to call the function. Leave undefined or null for every hour of the day.
  • minute (Minute or Interval<Range<Minute> or Minute or SkedulaWildcard> or Range<Minute> or SkedulaWildcard, default *) The minute of the hour to call the function. Leave undefined or null for every minute of every hour.
  • second (Second or Interval<Range<Second> or Second or SkedulaWildcard> or Range<Second> or SkedulaWildcard, default *) The second of the minute to call the function. Leave undefined or null for every second of every minute.

Skedula Objects


export type DayOfMonth = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31


export enum DayOfWeek {
    SUNDAY = 0,
    MONDAY = 1,
    TUESDAY = 2,
    WEDNESDAY = 3,
    THURSDAY = 4,
    FRIDAY = 5,
    SATURDAY = 6,


export enum Month {
    JANUARY = 0,
    FEBRUARY = 1,
    MARCH = 2,
    APRIL = 3,
    MAY = 4,
    JUNE = 5,
    JULY = 6,
    AUGUST = 7,
    SEPTEMBER = 8,
    OCTOBER = 9,
    NOVEMBER = 10,
    DECEMBER = 11,


type SkedulaWildcard = '*'


Anthony Krivonos (Portfolio | LinkedIn)