
check your data structure in code

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skeletons from '';



Build Status npm version

  • Skeletons is a pure javascript library that helps you validate data structure in programming/tesing.

  • Define your rules, validate data sources and parameters/arguments to make sure they meet your expectations.


You might bother with data validation.

(notice: there were some mistakes in Readme examples and were fixed at version 0.0.6)

if(typeof data!=='object'||data===null) throw 'options must be an object'
if(! throw '...'
if(! throw '...'
if(typeof data.age === 'number' && !isNaN(data.age)) { /* ... */ }

Skeletons provide an intuitive way to define a rule that makes sure all data meet your expectations, lets you focus on other things in programming.

const Skeletons = require('skeletons')
const user_schema = {
  name: String,
  id: Skeletons.String({
    validator: (val)=>val.length===7
  friends: Skeletons.Array({
    item: {
      name: String,
      id: Skeletons.String({
        validator: (val)=>val.length===7
  age: Skeletons.Number({
    allowNaN: false
  grownup: Skeletons.Boolean({
    validator: (val, source) => val === (source.age>=18)
const data = {
  name: 'Tim',
  id: 'djfo1k3',
  friends: [
      name: 'Alex',
      id: 'zkfap1d',
      name: 'Leo',
  age: 17,
  grownup: true

// define rule
const rule = new Skeletons(user_schema)

//validate data
 Skeletons Warn: [Unexpected Type] at data['friends'][1]['id']: expect [string] but got [undefined]
 Skeletons Warn: [Value invalid] at data['grownup']: validation failed
rule.valid //false


  • 0.1.0
    • Add es module support



as a dependency or devDependency

npm i --save skeletons
npm i -D skeletons
const Skeletons = require('skeletons')

// ES Module
import Skeletons from 'skeletons'


the script for browsers at /dist/skeletons.min.js

unpkg cdn :


Must Know


In javascript, null is a primitive type, however, typeof null is

typeof null // 'object'

Skeletons use Skeletons.typeof instead of typeof to check types.

When defining schema to be an object but got null, validation will fail.

To define a null value schema, use Skeletons.Null().


In javascript, an array is also an object

typeof [] // 'object'

However, Skeletons will distinguish the array from other objects.

To define an array schema, use Skeletons.Array() or array literal schema.


typeof function(){} // 'function'

Although typeof function return 'function', it is worth mentioning that function is also a Function Object, however, Skeletons will distinguish the function from the object.

So you cannot define an 'object' schema but got 'function' at data.

To define a function schema, use Skeletons.Function().


For every undefined value, validation will fail.

To allow undefined value, see options.required.

Define Schema

Passing a schema to create a rule:

let rule_ex1 = new Skeletons(schema)

//or assign schema later
let rule_ex2 = new Skeletons()
rule_ex2.schema = schema

There are four types of schema

  • premitive types function
  • object literal
  • array literal (version 0.0.8)
  • call Skeletons static function

premitive types function

  • String: define a string
  • Number: define a number
  • Boolean: define a boolean
  • Symbol: define a symbol
new Skeletons(Number).validate(5)

Only premitive types function, do not use other functions like Object, Array.

object literal

use object literal to define keys/values and deeper layers.

  key1: <schema>,
  key2: {
    key21: <schema>
    key22: {
      key221: <schema>

This type of schema defines an object that has exactly keys.

Validation for data that missing keys or has extra keys will fail.

const rule = new Skeletons({
  x: Number,
  y: Number,
// missing keys/properties
  x: 1,
//Skeletons Warn: [Unexpected Type] at data['y']: expect [number] but got [undefined]

// has extra keys/properties
  x: 1,
  y: 2,
  z: 3,
//Skeletons Warn: [Unknown Property] at data : property 'z' not defined in schema

To allow a undefined property, see options.required.

To allow dynamic keys in object, use MapObject.

To check keys that are defined and also ignore keys that are not defined, see Skeletons.Object : set options.extraKey to true.

array literal

To define an array that has exact numbers of elements.


Here's example

To defined an array that has repeated elements, use Skeletons.Array().

call Skeletons static function

These functions allow you to pass options to define a flexible rule.

See Skeletons static function for more options you can use.


create rule & validate

After new a rule member, call method validate(data) to validate data

let schema = Boolean
let rule = new Skeletons(schema)

rule.validate(1) //this also return rule itself

set options

set default options to rule.default

let rule = new Skeletons(Boolean, {
  console: true, //use console to show validate warnings
  throw: false, //throw validate warning
  dataName: 'datasource', //data name show in warning message
  schemName: 'mySchema' //schema name show in warning message
//Skeletons Warn: [Unexpected Type] at datasource : expect [boolean] but got [undefined]

set options only for this validation, if not set, use rule.default as default options

rule.validate(1 ,{
  console: false,
  throw: false,
  dataName: 'datasource'
  schemName: 'mySchema'

If data isn't valid, skeletons will show the warning message in the console or throw error depends on your setting.

However, if there's a schema problem (defined a wrong schema), skeletons will always throw an error.

notice : Skeletons will not discover schema erorrs until rule.validate() is called.


rule.valid will set to true or false after every validation.

rule.valid //false
rule.valid //true


After rule.validate(), rule.warnings will be an array contains informations about invalid data.

for example in Usage, warnings should look like below :

    code: 0, //code to identify warning type
    log: 'expect [string] but got [undefined]', // message
    type: '[Unexpected Type]',
    depth: [ 'friends', 1, 'id' ] //object keys show where validation fail:
    // at data['friends'][1]['id']
    code: 2,
    log: 'validation failed',
    type: '[Value invalid]',
    depth: [ 'grownup' ]

more about warnings and Document.