
callbacks with a timeout

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skerlaCallbacks from '';



Quick example:

const co = require('co');
const Callbacks = require('skerla-callbacks');

//create an instance of a Callbacks class with namespace
const callbacks = Callbacks.init('scope1');

co(function *() {
  //define data to work with
  const ID = 10432;
  const DATA = 'data1';
  //create a callback
  const promise = callbacks.create({
    id: ID
  //id is passed back. useful when id is autogenerated;
  //call callback providin ID and DATA in the future
  setTimeout(function () {
    callbacks.success(ID, DATA);
  }, 100);
  //wait for the response
  const result = yield promise;
  result.should.equals(DATA); //true
}).catch(err => console.error(err.stack));



new Callbacks(scope: String): Callbacks

Static methods

Callbacks.init(scope: String): Callbacks

Instance methods

create([options: Options]): Promise
define Options {
  [id]: Mixed //callback id. defaults to objectid()
  [timeout]: Number //callback timeout in ms. defaults to 30 seconds
  [name]: String //optinal callback name
define Promise {
  id: Mixed //callback id
  clear: Function //cancel callback timeout
success(id: Mixed, data: Mixed): Boolean

Returns true if callback id was found

fail(id: Mixed, data: Mixed): Boolean

Returns true if callback id was found