
Provides 2 pluggable RPC calls: one generates smtp pool, and the other is responsible for generating smtp access credentials cache

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skiffDispatcherSmtp from '';


Skiff dispatcher SMTP

Plugin for skiff-dispatcher, adds methods for handling distributed email messaging


npm install skiff-dispatcher skiff-dispatcher-smtp -S


var Dispatcher = require('skiff-dispatcher');
var DispatcherSMTP = require('skiff-dispatcher-smtp');

    gmail: {
        clientId: '<your client id>',
        clientSecret: '<your client secret>',
        accessUrl: '<optional>'
    yahoo: {
        // ...

// create dispatcher cluster
var dispatcher = new Dispatcher(...);

// defined this on the dispatcher object, since it can not be called remotely
dispatcher.function_to_preprocess_emails = function (username, email, next) {
    // do async preprocessing here
    // next(err, processedEmail)

// call the method
dispatcher.sendMail('', {
    credentials: {
        // ...
    email {
        // nodemailer email options
    prepareEmailFunctionName: 'function_to_preprocess_emails'
}, function (err, info) {
    // ...