
This is the repository for the Skill Calculator based on Tom Clancy's The Division. The Skill Calculator was originally made by Miodec and is now continued and maintained by some guys from the Discord Community of the Game.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skillCalculator from '';



Build Status

This is the repository for the Skill Calculator based on Tom Clancy's The Division. The Skill Calculator was originally made by Miodec and is now continued and maintained by some guys from the Discord Community of the Game.

App will be shut down 1st September 2016

Check this out:

Technology which is used

  • Node
  • Gulp
  • Sass
  • Angular.js


First of all you need to have Node + Npm installed. Checkout

Once you either cloned or downloaded the source, you can run npm install (while using a command line prompt pointed to the downloaded folder) to install the dependencies. Make sure to have gulp installed globally (npm install -g gulp).

If npm install quits without telling you that something horrible happend you're ready to fire gulp. This will compile the source, watch for changes and reload the browser window if a file is changed. Pure Magic.


Fork this and make it your own.

I'm not going to continue this repository anymore and will take down the website 1st September 2016. I've written an article about that:

If you wan't to host the app with full support of the current domain, feel free to contact me.


Since i won't continuing this application anymore i'm not going to provide support for this anymore. You can still contact me but it's not guaranteed that i'll answer.


Thanks to all these beautiful people who made this project an awesome thing to work with.
