
Skip links component for react.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skipLinks from '';


Skip links

React component that helps you to add skip navigation links.

Read about skip links:


  npm install -S skip-links


  1. Import component
  import SkipLinks from 'skip-links'
  1. Call component and pass props
  render() {
    const links = [
      {title: 'Skip to main content', to: 'main'},
      {title: 'Skip to footer', to: 'footer'}

    return (
      <SkipLinks links={links}/>


Prop Type required Description
links Array True Add links you need to show as object have title and to.

Shape of array:

      title: String Required, // Text you need to show
      to: String Required //  Destination ID without hash '#'


  • How to customize the skip links?
    1. you can pass style attribute directly to your object:
    const links = [{ title: 'Skip Navigation', to: 'main', style: { backgroundColor: 'red' } }]
      <SkipLinks links={links}/>
    1. you can override the class .c-links__item


Hey there! Thanks for your interest in helping out. If you happen to run into any issues, please open an issue, and I'll do my best to help out.

To begin contributing, you'll first need to clone this repository, then navigate into the repository's directory.

git clone{{ YOUR_USERNAME }}/skip-links.git

cd skip-links

Next, install the dependencies using npm.

npm install

Great! – you're ready to contribute!

Just create your git branch and run code locally. To do that, execute the start command:

commands Description
npm start Run project locally on port=3000 and running demo.
npm test Run test cases.

That's All. Thanks.