
a simple browserifiable upload modal

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skoll from '';



Skoll Wolf Sun

Skoll is an upload modal that is hella cool. It is super pluggable by nature. You can overide just about anything, even the base functionality ( they are plugins! ). Check out the example.

Uploaded with Skoll

Skoll does not provide any CSS out of box but there is example CSS in the examples dir. This is because CSS needs to be fully customizable and we don't want you to have to overwrite our styles.

To read more about Sköll checkout the spec.

What does Sköll mean?


Use with Browserify.

var skoll = require( 'skoll' );

skoll.addPlugin( foo );
skoll.useToUpload( function( event ) {
} );;

Creating a plugin

coming soon.

Creating an upload fn

coming soon.