
Vue component for grouped foldable content

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skyReveal from '';



Simple js module that collapses content


npm install sky-reveal


yarn add sky-revel


Begin by importing and installing the SkyReveal Vue plugin:

import Vue from 'vue';
import SkyReveal from 'sky-reveal';

// If you want to use the baseline scss add the following line
import '${YOUR-PROJECT-ROOT-PATH}/node_modules/sky-reveal/src/SkyReveal.scss';


There are two ways to use sky-reveal. The first one is as a stand-alone module where you provide a toggle button (sky-reveal-trigger) for the content to be revealed. Here you need to to use the attribute reveal-id with the same value on both sky-reveal and sky-reveal-trigger

 <sky-reveal reveal-id="asd">
    Ullamco enim eiusmod nisi exercitation occaecat do culpa. Elit dolore nulla aliqua sunt. Ex id eu ea et quis ex pariatur veniam mollit amet laborum. Magna elit aute non est. Ullamco enim eiusmod nisi exercitation occaecat do culpa. Elit dolore nulla aliqua sunt. Ex id eu ea et quis ex pariatur veniam mollit amet laborum. Magna elit aute non est.

<sky-reveal-trigger reveal-id="asd">
    <svg slot="svg-prepend | svg | svg-append"></svg> (optional)
    <span slot="open">Show more</span>
    <span slot="closed">Show less</span>

The other way to use sky-reveal is as a sub component which are provided with a bool in the open attribute like this. This will open / close sky-reveal

<sky-reveal :open="true | false">
    Ullamco enim eiusmod nisi exercitation occaecat do culpa. Elit dolore nulla aliqua sunt. Ex id eu ea et quis ex pariatur veniam mollit amet laborum. Magna elit aute non est. Ullamco enim eiusmod nisi exercitation occaecat do culpa. Elit dolore nulla aliqua sunt. Ex id eu ea et quis ex pariatur veniam mollit amet laborum. Magna elit aute non est.

By default sky-reveal animates with a duration om 500ms. You can change this via the duration attribute.

<sky-reveal :open="true | false" :duration="750">

Furthermore, sky-reveal emits a few callbacks you can utilize.


How it works

Sky-reveal uses animeJs as animation engine which handles initial state and animations from and to height. If the animation is to open sky-reveal it calculate auto height in pixel and animate towards this value and on completion set height: auto which will make the container responsive. if closing it will use the computed property min-height on .sky-reveal.


This module is made by the Frontenders at Feel free to use it in any way you want. Feedback, questions and bugreports should be posted as issues. Pull-requests appreciated!