
A Sky Vue Cli

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skyVueCli from '';


Sky View Client

    _____ _            _   _            
    /  ___| |          | | | |           
    \ `--.| | ___   _  | | | |_   _  ___ 
    `--. \ |/ / | | | | | | | | | |/ _ \
    /\__/ /   <| |_| | \ \_/ / |_| |  __/
    \____/|_|\_\\__, |  \___/ \__,_|\___|
                __/ |                   


npm install -g sky-vue-cli
sky runs
sky create <project-name-here>
cd <project-name-here>
npm install
Add MySQL Connection in config.js I use ElephantSQL
npm start

Make Empty Component

cd <your-project-here>
sky make <your-component-name-here>
sky page <your-page-name-here>

Extra Commands

Use npm start to start the server
Use npm run build:pro for webpack production
Use npm run build for webpack developing watch