
This is the common utils for SkyEye service projects, It include multiple utils, middilewares, authentications, some common interfaces

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skyeyeCommonConst from '';



This is the common utils for SkyEye service projects, It include multiple utils, middilewares, authentications, some common interfaces


This command to build .proto files for Typescript used.

  • protoc --proto_path=./ grpcProtos/sample.proto --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:. --ts_out=service=true:.

Please make sure run the npm run build before push changes


When add new permissions, please avoid duplication, value for permission list : permissionCode: <ServiceName>_<HTTP Method>_<Controller>_<Action> permissionLabel: any name you want to show to frontend for easy recognise permissionDesc: short description on what this permission can do permissionMethod: The http Method: GET/POST/PUT/DELETE , uppercase only permissionUrl: the Path for this permission. /<Controller>/<Action> allowAnonymous: whether this path is able to access by anyone