
An API that interacts with the Telescope service.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skyglass from '';



An API that interacts with the Telescope web service.

Currently in testing, Telescope server isn't live yet


getStars(options, callback)

Returns JSON object of stars.

Options Description Default
limit Limit the number of stars in the response. 50
page Define what page you want back. 1
con Filter the stars by their constellation. All
mag Filter the stars by their magnitude. All
magparam Changes how the mag query is interpreted. lt
search Performs a text search. none


    limit: 20,
    page: 2,
    con: 'Ori',
    mag: 3,
    magparam: gt,

This will return stars 21-40 that are in Orion with a magnitude of 3 or greater.


Invokes callback with data for all constellations.

getConstellation(con, callback)

This method accepts a constellation's abbreviation as an argument (good list here) and invokes the callback with its data.

Example: skyglass.getConstellation('Ori')

This will return JSON for the constellation of Orion.

addConnection(con, [starid1, starid2], callback)

This method accepts a constellation's abbreviation, an array of 2 star's ids, and a callback.

It will add a connection between these two stars to the constellation.

Example: skyglass.addConnections('Tau', [1234, 4321], ...)

removeConnection(con, [starid1, starid2], callback)

This method accepts a constellation's abbreviation, an array of 2 star's ids, and a callback.

It will remove a connection between these two stars to the constellation.

Example: skyglass.removeConnections('And', [1234, 4321], ...)