An API that interacts with the Telescope web service.
Currently in testing, Telescope server isn't live yet
getStars(options, callback)
Returns JSON object of stars.
Options | Description | Default |
limit | Limit the number of stars in the response. | 50 |
page | Define what page you want back. | 1 |
con | Filter the stars by their constellation. | All |
mag | Filter the stars by their magnitude. | All |
magparam | Changes how the mag query is interpreted. | lt |
search | Performs a text search. | none |
limit: 20,
page: 2,
con: 'Ori',
mag: 3,
magparam: gt,
This will return stars 21-40 that are in Orion with a magnitude of 3 or greater.
Invokes callback with data for all constellations.
getConstellation(con, callback)
This method accepts a constellation's abbreviation as an argument (good list here) and invokes the callback with its data.
Example: skyglass.getConstellation('Ori')
This will return JSON for the constellation of Orion.
addConnection(con, [starid1, starid2], callback)
This method accepts a constellation's abbreviation, an array of 2 star's ids, and a callback.
It will add a connection between these two stars to the constellation.
Example: skyglass.addConnections('Tau', [1234, 4321], ...)
removeConnection(con, [starid1, starid2], callback)
This method accepts a constellation's abbreviation, an array of 2 star's ids, and a callback.
It will remove a connection between these two stars to the constellation.
Example: skyglass.removeConnections('And', [1234, 4321], ...)