
skypager integrations plugin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skypagerPluginIntegrations from '';


Integrations Plugin

The Integrations plugin provides a unified interface for Skypager Projects which wish to include data and functionality from popular third party APIs and services, including:

  • Github
  • NPM
  • Dropbox
  • Google Drive
  • Amazon Web Services
  • Segment
  • Slack
  • Travis


A Project can use the integrations plugin by including the plugin in the package.json's skypager configuration.

  "name": "my-project",
    "main": "skypager.js",
    "plugins": ["integrations"]

This will enable actions in the project to generate the necessary settings and options a project will need to make use of the services it wishes to integrate with.


Referencing Github Issues and Milestones

  1. Run the skypager use:integration github command.

  2. Edit project/settings/integrations/github.yml

    client_id: 'whatever'
    client_secret: 'whatever_else'

    client_id: 'env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID'
    client_secret: 'env.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET'

This will make the github client available to the project, which will let you incorporate the functionality in various helper scripts such as actions or exporters, and in your data sources. Making github data available via a datasource will let you use it in your react apps if you wanted to.

Example of a data source:

  1. Add a data source file in project/data/github/issues.js
module.exports = function(params = {}, context = {}) {
  let project = context.project
  let client = project.clients.github
  switch(params.source) {
   case issues:
    return client.issues.promise(params)
   case milestones:
    return client.milestones.promise(params)
  1. Use the github issues data in your react views
import React, { Component, PropTypes as type } from 'react'
import { stateful } from 'ui/applications'

export class IssuesBrowser extends Component {
  static displayName = 'IssuesBrowser';

  static propTypes = {
    settings: types.shape({
      github: types.object({
        clientId: types.string.isRequired

    content: types.shape({
      data: types.shape({
        github: types.shape({
          issues: types.arrayOf(
              urls: types.object,
              body: types.string,
              number: types.number,
              labels: types.array

  render() {
    let { content } = this.props
    let issues =

    return (
      <GithubIssuesLister issues={issues} />

  1. Use the github data in your actions
action('update issues')

execute(function(params = {}, context = {}) {
  let { project } = context
  // do whatever