
Builds on skywalker and provides several filters and convenience functions.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import skywalkerX from '';



Builds on skywalker and provides several filters and convenience functions.

Automatically parses:

  • stylus, less, sass
  • markdown
  • json, xml, yaml
  • coffeescript
  • plain text files
  • browserifies js files that have extension '.bs.js'


  • Provides human-readable size reading ("Mb", "Kb"...)
  • Gets image sizes and ratios
  • Provides a checksum for filenames (can be used to identify them)
  • Provides a uniqueId for each file

Use the filters as they are or as a basis for implementing your own. More to come!


Each filter can be set on by calling filter_<filter_name>
For example:

        var Tree = require('skywalker-x')
        var t = Tree(dir)
                //do something here

you can set filters options like so:


You can call options several times with different options, they will all merge.

You can also set


To set sensible default options (source maps, debug, etc);

To get an idea of filters and what they can do, refer to the /filters directory, and check out the tests.

Additional functions

skywalker-extended extends (duh) skywalker with the following functions (on top of the series of filter_XXX() ones):

  • t.filterOptions({}) to set options for certain filters
  • t.devMode(string) to set mode. Defaults to 'development'
  • t.obtainFilterOptions(pluginName,defs) this is used internally by the plugins to retrieve their own options.
