
Build swagger-compliant REST APIs using TypeScript and Node

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slTsoa from '';


Codeship Status for lukeautry/tsoa npm version


  • TypeScript controllers and models as the single source of truth for your API
  • A valid swagger spec is generated from your controllers and models, including:
    • Paths (e.g. GET /Users)
    • Definitions based on TypeScript interfaces (models)
    • Parameters/model properties marked as required or optional based on TypeScript (e.g. myProperty?: string is optional in the Swagger spec)
    • jsDoc supported for object descriptions (most other metadata can be inferred from TypeScript types)
  • Routes are generated for middleware of choice
    • Express currently included, other middleware can be supported using a simple handlebars template
    • Validate request payloads


  • Rely on TypeScript type annotations to generate API metadata if possible
  • If regular type annotations aren't an appropriate way to express metadata, use decorators
  • Use jsdoc for pure text metadata (e.g. endpoint descriptions)
  • Minimize boilerplate
  • Models are best represented by interfaces (pure data structures), but can also be represented by classes

How it works

Create Controllers

// controllers/usersController.ts

import {Get, Route} from 'tsoa';
import {UserService} from '../services/userService';
import {User, UserCreationRequest} from '../models/user';

export class UsersController {
    public async getUser(id: number): Promise<User> {
        return await new UserService().get(id);

    public async createUser(request: UserCreationRequest): Promise<User> {
        return await new UserService().create(reqest);

Create Models

// models/user.ts

export interface User {
    id: number;
    email: string;
    name: Name;
    status?: string;
    phoneNumbers: string[];

export interface Name {
    first: string;
    last?: string;

export interface UserCreationRequest {
    email: string;
    name: Name;
    phoneNumbers: string[];


From command line/npm script:

// generate swagger.json
tsoa swagger --entryFile=./src/server.ts --swaggerDir=./dist

// generate routes
tsoa routes --entryFile=./src/server.ts --routesDir=./src

See CLI documentation

Consume generated routes

import * as methodOverride from 'method-override';
import * as express from 'express';
import * as bodyParser from 'body-parser';
import {RegisterRoutes} from './routes';

// controllers need to be referenced in order to get crawled by the generator
import './controllers/usersController';

const app: express.Express = express();
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));



Use awesome Swagger tools

Now that you have a swagger spec (swagger.json), you can use all kinds of amazing tools that generate documentation, client SDKs, and more.


npm install tsoa --save

Command Line Interface

Swagger.json generation

Usage: tsoa swagger [options]

  --entry-file, -e   Server entry point; this should be your top level file,
                     e.g. server.ts/app.ts                   [string] [required]
  --swagger-dir, -s  Swagger directory; generated swagger.json will be dropped
                     here                                    [string] [required]
  --host, --ho       API host, e.g. localhost:3000 or
  --ver, -v          API version number; defaults to npm package version[string]
  --name, -n         API name; defaults to npm package name             [string]
  --description, -d  API description; defaults to npm package description
  --license, -l      API license; defaults to npm package license
  --basePath, -b     Base API path; e.g. the '/v1' in [default: "/"]

Route generation

Usage: tsoa routes [options]

  --entry-file, -e  Server entry point; this should be your top level file, e.g.
                    server.ts/app.ts                         [string] [required]
  --routes-dir, -r  Routes directory; generated routes.ts (which contains the
                    generated code wiring up routes using middleware of choice)
                    will be dropped here                     [string] [required]
  --middleware, -m  Middleware provider                        [string] [choices: "express"] [default: "express"]
  --basePath, -b     Base API path; e.g. the '/v1' in [default: "/"]               


An example project is available here