This is a single javascript lib which u can navigate easily in the dom with.
Use the npm package manager to install it or just download the index.js file
npm install sla-navigate
"scripts": [
The component which you want to use in
import {AfterViewInit, Component, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {slaNavigate} from 'sla-navigate/index.js';
export class TestComponent implements AfterViewInit {
@ViewChild('element', {static: true}) element;
constructor() {}
ngAfterViewInit() {
slaNavigate.configure({rootElement: this.element.nativeElement});
Configs in the constructor can be changed via: configure method
rootElement: document.body,
CSS classes (tab class name can be changed by: TAB_ITEMS_CLASS_NAME)
//Add class to elements which u want to make tab element
.tab {
transition: 0.2s;
//Focused tab element
.tab:focus {
background: #efefef;
border: 1px solid red !important;
outline: 1px solid red !important;
transition: 0.2s;
//writable input elements (like type=text, type=number, etc) got readonly attribute before u can edit them {
background: pink;
* root element, usually document.body
* after this: call collectTabs to see changes!
this.rootElement = document.body;
* keyCode: go previous tab element
* keyCode: go next tab element
this.KEY_CODE_NEXT = 106;
* keyCode: go into an element (if its a group [ so it has tab child])
this.KEY_CODE_ENTER = 13;
* keyCode: go outside of an element to its parent tab if it has
this.KEY_CODE_BACK = 8;
* keyCode: leaving an input element
* keyCode: +1 to number input element
this.KEY_CODE_PLUS = 107;
* keyCode: -1 to number input element
this.KEY_CODE_MINUS = 109;
* keyCode: send event to an element which is focused
* event in mouseEvents[]
* @type {number}
* After leaving and input element by INPUT_LEAVE_KEY_CODE
* false: it goes to its parent
* true: it goes to its parent and afterthat to the parent's next tab element
* class name of the tab elements with u can mark the tabs with
this.TAB_ITEMS_CLASS_NAME = "tab";
* data attribute for a tab element, if you enter on it itt wil jump to TAB_NAME
this.TAB_TARGET_NAME = "data-tab-target-name";
* data attribute for a tab element, if you enter on TAB_TARGET_NAME element then that will jump to this element
this.TAB_NAME = "data-tab-name";
* data attribute for a tab element, if you back on it itt wil jump to TAB_NAME
this.TAB_BACK = "data-tab-back";
* array of mouse events
* name a class which runs an event on element
* eg.: {
className: 'tab-click',
eventName: 'click'
className: 'tab-dblclick',
eventName: 'dblclick'
* @type {Array}
this.mouseEvents = [
className: 'tab-click',
eventName: 'click'
className: 'tab-dblclick',
eventName: 'dblclick'
* form elements
* @type {string[]}
this.formElements = ['input', 'select'];
* form elements type which is writeable
* @type {string[]}
this.writableFormElementTypes = ['text', 'number'];
* form elements which have only two values (eg: checked unchecked)
* @type {string[]}
this.booleanFormElementsTypes = ['checkbox', 'radio'];
* You can make shortcuts to element with this data attribute
* eg.: if you write '+100-' then the focus will jump to the element which has tha
* TAB_SHORTCUT_NAME data attribute with a value: 100
this.TAB_SHORTCUT_NAME = "data-tab-code";
configure(config: Object): void
collectTabs(): void
focusPreviousElement(): void
focusNextElement(): void
enterIntoElement(): void
backFromElement(): void
focusElement(): void
getPreviousElement: HtmlElement
getNextElement: HtmlElement
sendMouseEvent(element, eventType = null, config = {})
Data attributes
TAB_TARGET_NAME (data-tab-target-name)
Data attribute for a tab element, if you enter on it itt wil jump to an element whats TAB_NAME is the same as the TAB_TARGET_NAME value
TAB_NAME (data-tab-name)
Data attribute for a tab element, if you enter on TAB_TARGET_NAME element which has the same value as this element then that will jump to this element
TAB_SHORTCUT_NAME (data-tab-code)
You can make shortcuts to an element with this data attribute
<div class="tab" data-tab-code="100"></div>
and the element gets the focus
version 1.0.11