A javascript wrapper for the Slack API.
Installation is easy, like any package on npm, you can add it to your project by typing the following in the terminal in your project directory:
npm install --save slack-api
slack-api uses the same structure as the Slack Web API, and follows Node convention for calling methods.
'use strict';
var Slack = require('slack-api');
Slack.api.test({}, function (error, data) {
slack-api shares the same methods as the Slack Web API, but with a few additions.
You can find the full Slack Web API documentation on their site.
If slack-api is missing a method let us know, or better yet, update it.
oauth.getUrl(options, [callback=noop])
This method generates the url used for step 1 of the Slack OAuth flow.
- options (Object) - options hash should have the following properties:
client_id - issued when you created your application (required)
redirect_uri - URL to redirect back to (see below) (optional)
scope - permissions to request (see below) (optional)
state - unique string to be passed back upon completion
team - Slack team ID to restrict to (optional)
- [callback=noop] (Function) - Function to be called upon completion. If none is provided, this method will simply execute silently.
This method invokes the callback
argument function in the standard node.js style (callback(error, data)
), where data
is the url (String)
that the user should be redirected to to start the OAuth process for slack.
oauth.access(options, [state], [callback=noop])
This method allows you to exchange a temporary OAuth code for an API access token. This is used as part of the OAuth authentication flow.
This method will optionally perform the state check for you, should you provide it.
- options (Object) - options hash should have the following properties:
client_id - issued when you created your application (required)
client_secret - issued when you created your application (required)
code - the code param returned via the OAuth callback (required)
redirect_uri - this must match the originally submitted URI (if one was sent)
- [state] (String) - unique string passed to the original authorization call (optional)
- [callback=noop] (Function) - Function to be called upon completion. If none is provided, this method will simply execute silently.
This method invokes the callback
argument function in the standard node.js style (callback(error, data)
This method returns a promisified version of the Slack API library.
'use strict';
var Slack = require('slack-api').promisify();
Slack.api.test({}).then(function (data) {
}).catch(Slack.errors.SlackError, function (error) {
console.log('Slack did not like what you did: ' + error.message);
}).catch(Slack.errors.CommunicationError, function (error) {
console.error('Error communicating with Slack. ' + error.message);
}).catch(Slack.errors.SlackServiceError, function (error) {
console.error('Error communicating with Slack. ' + error.message);
//To get error details
The slack-api comes with some custom errors, and their constructors are included under the errors
- This error is thrown if the https request fails e.g. because of a network problem.SlackError
- If Slack returns an error, this error will be passed to the callback function as the first argument for error-handling.SlackServiceError
- If Slack returns a non-200 status code, this error will be passed to the callback function as the first argument for error-handling. The error details are provided as a property on the error callederrorDetails
is different fromSlackError
because the Slack API returns a200
status code for the kinds of errors identified bySlackError
Development and testing
If you want to contribute, simply clone this repo, and run
npm install
Tests are written for mocha, and can be run with
npm test