
A framework for Slack Block Kit Interactive actions

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slackBlockify from '';


Slack Blockify


slack-blockify, is a framework that abstracts the boiler plate code of nesting into the handler functions that handle Slack Interactive Actions, and provides di support to handle large number of actions, using reflection.

Why blockify?

Reaching the function that handles a block-kit interactive action, involves nested conditional checks, which becomes difficult to handle as the number of actions grow. Blockify abstracts all the boiler plate code with conditional checks, providing a clean approach, using DI (Dependency Injection), to organise the Action Handlers in a better way.


Import decorators from slack-blockify

import {
} from "slack-blockify/decorators";

Decorate the Actions classes with the Actions decorator

  • class decorators are Action Registers
class ApprovalActions {}

Decorate methods with the respective interactive-action-types

  • method decorators are Handler Registers
  • The list of method decorators are:
    1. ButtonAction
    2. SelectOptionAction
    3. SelectOptionsAction
    4. OverflowAction
    5. DatepickerAction
    6. ActionByValue
class ApprovalActions {
    // Method to handle the action with the `action_id` approve
    // and block_id approvals
    @ButtonAction("approve", "approvals")
    async handleApproval() {
        // handle the approval action
        return "approved";

Only the required payload data can be accessed inside the handler through parameter decorators

  • parameter decorators are value providers
  • The list of property decorators are:
    1. UserInfo
    2. TeamInfo
    3. Value (Non-Multi Select)
    4. Values (Multi Select)
    5. ActionsInfo
    6. ContainerInfo
    7. TriggerId
    8. ResponseUrl
    9. ApiAppId
    10. PayloadInfo
import { User, Team } from "slack-blockify";

class ApprovalActions {
    @ButtonAction("approval", "approvals")
    async handleApproval(@UserInfo() user: User, @TeamInfo() team: Team) {
        // handle the approval action
        user; // Access the user's properties - id, username, name, team_id
        team; // Access the team's properties - id, domain
        return "approved";

Register all the classes in an Array, without fail, using register function.

import { register } from "slack-blockify/core";


Pass the interactive message payload of type block_actions to the handlePayload function, which a Generic Function.

handlePayload function searches through the registered handlers and executes the respective handler, if found. Otherwise returns "Unhandled Action".

import { handlePayload } from "slack-blockify/core";

const response = await handlePayload<ReturnTypeOfMyFunctionHandler>({
    // ... payload sent by slack

Important things to be noted while creating handlers

handlePayload searches the registered handlers in the following order, and only the first found handler is executed.

  1. An action with a block - (handlers registered with both action_id and block_id)
    1. Regex action_id and block_id match
    2. string action_id and block_id match
  2. An action - (handlers registered with only action_id)
    1. Regex action_id match
    2. string action_id match
  3. A block - (handlers registered with only block_id)
    1. Regex block_id match
    2. string block_id match
  4. A value - (handlers registered with value)
    1. Regex value match
    2. string value match
  5. Array of values - (handlers registered with a list of search values)
    1. Regex values match
    2. string values match
  6. A value validating function - (handlers registered with value validating function)
    1. The provided function is executed and its boolean result finds the handler

Prioritising your Actions and Blocks

You can pass the Configuration options (optional), as the second parameter to the register function, to achieve high performance.

The below is the default configuration for high performance.

register([...classes], {
    priorities: ["ActionsWithBlocks", "Actions", "Blocks", "Value"]

Upcoming features

  • Warning messages and Suggestions, for better debugging.
  • View Submission handling, for modal submissions.


  • Amit Madgula (

Documentation to this framework would be provided soon.