
A Slack bot to auto-kick an user when one of their messages has reached a threshold of negative reactions

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slackBoom from '';


:boom: slack-boom

npm version Dependency Status

A Slack bot to auto-kick an user when one of their messages has reached a threshold of negative reactions

  1. Create a bot or generate a full-access token
  2. Install globally with npm install --global slack-boom
  3. Run slack-boom <token> <treshold> <reaction>, e.g. slack-boom <token> 3 boom will kick users receiving 3 'boom' (:boom:) reactions to one of their messages

NOTE: to get the auto-kick feature actually working, you have to give in a full-access token instead of a bot token, which you'll get here.


slack-boom is distributed under the MIT license and bundles the MIT-licensed node-slack-client library by Slack Technologies, Inc, with modifications from Joe Hildebrand.