
Run a JIRA query and send the results to a Slack channel.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slackJiraQuery from '';



Run a JIRA query and send the results to a Slack channel.

This tool was created with the intension of running it every morning and send a report of outstanding bugs to a Slack channel to add visibility.

Screenshot of report


The package should be installed globally with npm install -g slack-jira-query and the following environment variables must be set when running the application:

  • SLACK_WEBHOOK: url of the Slack webhook used for sending the message
  • SLACK_CHANNEL: the channel where the reports are going to be sent to
  • SLACK_EMOJI (optional): define the emoji used by the application when sending the reports. Defaults to :robot_face:.
  • JIRA_HOST: the Atlassian url (for example
  • JIRA_USERNAME: Atlassian username that will be used to run the query
  • JIRA_API_KEY: API key created by JIRA_USERNAME. You can create one in
  • JIRA_QUERY: the query in JQL to be executed (for example issuetype=Bug AND resolution=Unresolved)
  • JIRA_QUERY_NAME: this name will be included in the report's header
  • MAX_ISSUES (optional): the maximum number of issues to be included in the report. Cannot be greater than 20, and defaults to 5.