The module helps to send messages to configured slack webhook URL.
How to configure and send messages
- Configure the SlackMeConfig
var SlackConfig = require('./slack-me.config');
var config = new SlackConfig();
.setUsername("Slack Me!!!")
.setText('I am a text') //This will be ignored, if rich text is added
.setChannel('#your_channel') //If not given, message will be posted to #general
.setIconEmoji('EMOJI_KEY'); //This will be ignored, if icon is specified
**Notes** Rich Text accepts color, title and fallback text
**Notes** Fields accepts title, value, and isShort (optional parameters. specified if it is a shorted text)
config.addRichText('#DD0000', 'Rich Text title', 'Fallback text')
.addFields('Priority', 'High', true)
.addFields('Less', 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog');
- Invoke the Slack object and pass the configuration
If you are aware of the slack parameters, pass them directly to the Slack me object.