
Gives you the ease of sending commands to Nagios via your team's Slack channel. Currently it supports:

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slackNagiosBot from '';


Nagios Slack Bot

Gives you the ease of sending commands to Nagios via your team's Slack channel. Currently it supports:

  • acknowledging a service problem
  • adding downtime to a service
  • adding downtime to a host

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. This project currently has not been tested in a production environment, so if you choose to do so please proceed with care.


Nagios-Slack-Bot requires nagios-api to be running with your Nagios service. Nagios Api is a service that sits on top of nagios and provides a http interface.


How to get the bot running in your local environment

Clone the repo

git clone

Change directory

cd slack-nagios-bot

Install the dependencies

npm install

You'll need an api tocken from Slack. You can check out the slack docs for creating bot users here

Create a file .env in the project root directory. In it define the api token and the url of the box where your nagios is running. It should look something like this:


Start the bot

npm start

After inviting your bot to a channel, you should be able to acknowledge using

@nagiosbot Acknowledge your-service-name on your-host

Running the tests

Run tests with npm

npm test

Built With

  • Botkit - The bot framework used
  • npm - Package Management


  • Sam Boyd - Initial work - Unruly


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details