
A wrapper for Slack payloads to make working with events easier and consistent across events

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slackPayload from '';


Slack Payload Wrapper

A lightweight wrapper for Slack payloads to make working with events easier and consistent across schemas.


Slack has many events that POST to HTTPS endpoints, including Slash Commands, Events API, and Interactive Messages. Each payload schema is slightly different and adds additional if/then logic to your endpoint functions.

Let's use user_id as an example. If your endpoint needs this id, your logic might look something like this:

function getUserId(payload) {
  // Interactive Messages
  if (payload.user) return

  // Slash Commands
  if (payload.user_id) return payload.user_id

  // Events API
  if (payload.event && payload.event.user) return payload.event.user
  if (payload.event && payload.event.item) return payload.event.item.user

Sometimes even the payload itself requires work to use since it can be encoded then included in the payload field.

if (event.payload)
  payload = JSON.parse(event.payload)


const Payload = require('slack-payload'),'/slack', (req, res) => {
  let payload = new Payload(req.body)

  // returns the message text no matter the event type
  let text = payload.text

  // check for the event type or values
  let isCommand ='slash_command')
  let isButtonClick ='message_button')
  let isButtonValue ='my_button_value')

  // perform regex on text messages
  let match = payload.match(/lunch/i)

  // determine if the event was caused by a bot
  let bot_id = payload.bot_id



Property Description
text The message text associated with the event
team_id The team id the payload was sent from
channel_id The channel id the payload was sent from
user_id The user id that sent the payload (if available)
bot_id The bot id that sent the payload (if available)
selection The selected interactive message option
action The selected interactive message action
types An array of all types associated with this payload (includes a wildcard)
Function Parameter Description
is event type [String] Checks if the payload matches an event type. Get a full list of events here
match regex Matches the text with a regular expression


npm i slack-payload