
Receive text alerts for Slack messages

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slackTexts from '';



NPM version License shield

Receive text messages for conversations on Slack channels using Twilio.

You can import it as a package (see below), or use it directly from the command-line.

Quick start

Install via npm:

$ npm install --save slack-texts

Import the package and specify keys:

var slack_texts = require('slack-texts');

var keys = {
    slack: {
        token: '<slack-token>'
    twilio: {
        sid:   '<twilio-sid>',
        token: '<twilio-token>',
        phone: '<twilio-phone>'

var options = {
    team_name:                'go-team',
    ignore_case_keywords:     true,
    keywords:                 ['economy', 'responsive'],
    channel_names_to_monitor: ['announcements', 'development'],
    send_to_contacts:         [
        { phone: '+10000000000' },
        { phone: '+19999999999' },
        { phone: '+15555555555' }

var st = slack_texts.init(keys, options);
st.start(); // Async call.

// Do other stuff here, if necessary.


$ node app.js


  • Specify phone numbers to send messages to
  • Monitor a specific list (or all) channels
  • Use only messages that contain specified keywords



Initializes and returns a new slack_texts instance. It the same as calling new slack_texts(..).

var slack_texts = require('slack-texts');
var st = slack_texts.init(keys, options);

The two arguments are:

  1. keys:

    Twilio and Slack API keys, as shown in the Quick start section. All fields are required.

  2. options:

    Configuration for the slack_texts instance. The default values are shown below.

        // The team name to display in text messages.
        // Type: string.
        team_name:                '',
        // Whether to ignore case when filtering messages by keyword.
        // Type: boolean.
        ignore_case_keywords:     true,
        // Keywords to filter messages by. If a messages contains any
        // of the keywords, it will be used for text notifications.
        // To disable keyword filtering, leave the property undefined
        // or use an empty array.
        // Type: Array<string>.
        keywords:                 [],
        // The channels to listen to. If a message is sent to these channels,
        // it will be used for text notifications (subject to other
        // configuration). To listen to all channels, leave the property
        // undefined or use an empty array.
        // Type: Array<string>.
        channel_names_to_monitor: [],
        // List of objects, each object containing a phone field (string).
        // Text messages will be sent to these phones.
        // Type: Array<Object>
        send_to_contacts:         []


Listens for new messages asynchronously, and dispatches text messages depending on the provided options. The method takes no arguments.

var slack_texts = require('slack-texts');
var st = slack_texts.init(keys, options);


Pull requests are welcome.

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

You can also create an issue for new features and bug fixes.


The MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file at the root of this repository.