
send a message the user cant ignore

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slappNag from '';


Slapp Nag

npm tests dependencies coverage

A nag feature for slackbots, because people ignore things a lot. To be used with slapp.

Note: This project is in early development, and versioning is a little different. Read this for more details.


npm install slapp-nag -S

Note: This project is compatible with node v6+ only


const slapp = require('slapp')
const Nag = require('slapp-nag')
const nag = new Nag(slapp, {
  store: { host: '', password: 'xxx' } // not yet implemented

// ...other slapp bot logic

slapp.route('askNameAndNag', (msg, state) => {
  msg.say("Sounds good, I'll remind you later!")
  // ask this question, then remind them once, in an hour
    state // optional, state will be passed through
    ask: 'What is your name', // this is a full slack msg object
    route: 'routeName',
    remind: { hours: 1 }
  // don't ask right now, but remind them every day starting tomorrow
  nag({ msg,
    ask: 'What is your name',
    route: 'routeName',
    remind: { days: 1 },
    repeat: true
  // ask, then remind with increasing frequency up to a given deadline
  nag.ask({ msg,
    ask: 'What is your name',
    route: 'routeName',
    remind: { days: 1 },
    deadline: '10/15/2016' // not yet implemented

The user will see something like this:

**Bot**: What is your name?
... user doesn't respond ...
**Bot**: Hey, just a reminder that I still need your answer to this question:
**Bot**: What is your name?

The bot will continue making this request until the user responds. It will then continue on to the route as named.

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