slashr node insync MC Application Api Framework.
Slashr hates boilerplate. Slashr is faster because everything is immediately accessible from context. Slashr loves abbreviations. Slashr makes you faster.
- Abv Key:
- child / chd
- children / chn
- parent / prt
- layout / lyt
- view / vw
- controller / ctlr
- template / tpl
- action / act
- entity / ent
- domain / dm
- model / mdl
- container / cntr
- method / meth
- form / fm
- element / elmt
- widget / wgt
- button / btn
- submit / sbm
- link / lk
- description / desc
- error / err
- control / ctrl
- success / succ
- label / lbl
- name / nm
- validator / vld
- validators / vlds
- request / req
- redirect / rdr
- forward / fwd
- data / dt
- router / rtr
- route / rt
- item / itm
- items / itms
- menu / mn
- submenu / sbmn
- overlay / ovl
- backdrop / bkdp
- filter / fltr
- binding(s) / bind
- content / cont
- target / trg
- element / e
- event / evt
- required / rqd
- component / cpnt
- type / tp
- file / f
- percent / pct
- cache / csh
- header / hdr
// Style If it is an instance of a class (like database, storage, cache), it would be parent.class(instanceName).child. If it is the default instance then parent.class.child
If the class is a factory that returns instantiated children, like database row / col, the same applies as above.
// Database query
// Query a differant instance
// Storage create file with instance
For base classes like form, file, menu, entities the parent class can be directly instantiated like parent.class(), or the child can be instantiated with parent.class.child()
// Base Form
// Custom form in /model/forms
// Get a custom file type class
// Create a swimple view model
// custom view model
// Entity defined in entities.js
// The Domain Model is technically both an instance and a child class, so it is used like forms, but the parent is abstract
// Get the account domain class;
// Result types
this.rslt.file("myfile.pdf"); // returns a file located in assets/files/myfile.pdf