
A Naive and Poor mention plugin for SlateJS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slatePoorMentions from '';



NPM version

Mentions plugin for SlateJS. You can have a try by pressing @ at this repo demo.



yarn add slate-poor-mentions

Simple Usage

import MentionsPlugin from "slate-poor-mentions";
const mentions = [{ name: "@ Tom" }, { name: "@ Jerry" }];
export default MentionsPlugin({ mentions } /* options */);


Consider a slate text like

 <paragraph> Here is $ To<cursor/>m </paragraph>

The plugin options are an object of

  • mentions : Array<{name: string}> (necessary)

An array of mentions, in each mention object, a name property is necessary as the string for mention replacement.

  • beforeMatchRegex: RegExp (optional)

The pattern matches the text between the mention triggering char and the cursor. In this case, it shall matches $ To By default, this pattern will consider {$ and @ as mention triggering char.

  • afterMatchRegex: RegexExp (optional)

The pattern matches the text between the cursor and mention ending char in text context. If no match is found, it will use the editing text ending in the cursor position to match the mention.

By default, this pattern will match }

  • getText: string => string (optional)

Triming the mention triggering and ending chars to compare the editing text with mention texts.

By default, the getText will remove all chars not in alpha-beta and numbers in the double ends.

  • MentionItemChild: React.Component<{mention: Mention, text: string}> (optional)

Render the mention items with a customized component. The props is a object containing two properties:

  • mention: {name: string} The mention object of mentions : Array<Mention> passed to plugin.
  • text: string the editing text captured by beforeMatchRegex and afterMatchRegex. Used for highlighting the matched text in mention items for example.

By default, it is only <span>{}</span>



To style the container, you can specify the CSS for ul.RichEditor-mention-menu. To style the single mention item, you can specify CSS for ul.RichEditor-mention-menu > li or customize MentionItemChild in creating the plugin.


By the relative position between selection and mention pop-up, the mention container ul.RichEditor-mention-menu is decorated by classes RichEditor-mention-position-top, RichEditor-mention-position-bottom, RichEditor-mention-position-left and RichEditor-mention-position-right respectively. If you always wants a 10px * 10 px distance between selection and mention pop up, you can

.RichEditor-mention-position-top {
  margin-top: 10px;

.RichEditor-mention-position-bottom {
  margin-top: -10px;

.RichEditor-mention-position-left {
  margin-left: 10px;

.RichEditor-mention-position-right {
  margin-right: -10px;

Why poor in package name?

Because all sensible names are taken in npm. :lol