
Parses Go diagrams

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slfParser from '';



A Node library for parsing Go diagrams in Sensei's Library Format.


import { toBoard } from "slf-parser";

const diagram =
`$ A joseki variation
 $  ------------------
 $ | . . . . . . . . .
 $ | . . . . . . . . .
 $ | . . 7 3 X d . . .
 $ | . . O 1 O 6 . . .
 $ | . . 4 2 5 c . . .
 $ | . . 8 X a . . . .
 $ | . . . b . . . . .
 $ | . . . . . . . . .
 $ | . . . . . . . . .`;

const board = toBoard(diagram);

console.log(board.title);       // "A joseki variation"
console.log(board.cells[2][2]); // { type: "black", label: "7" }
console.log(board.axis.x);      // { labels: "ABCDEFGHJ", position: "north" }
console.log(board.axis.y);      // { labels: [19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11], position:  "west" }
console.log(board.borders);     // { north: true, east: false, south: false, west: true }


toBoard(slfString: string): Board

Parses a diagram in Sensei's Library Format, returning a Board object.

import {toBoard} from "./slf-parser";
const board = toBoard("..."); // => Board object

Board object

Property Description
title The title of the board. Undefined if not applicable.
cells[row][col] A 2D array of cells on the board's grid, starting on the north east corner.
cells[][].type The type of cell: "black" for a black stone, "white" for a white stone, "intersection" for an intersection with no stone, "star" for a star point/hoshi with no stone, or "empty" for an intersection with no grid.
cells[][].label A 1 character string label drawn on the cell. Undefined if not applicable. Cells can't have both a label and a mark.
cells[][].link The URL that the cell links to. Undefined if not applicable.
cells[][].mark The shape to draw on the cell: "circle", "cross", "square", or "triangle". Undefined if not applicable. Cells can't have both a label and a mark.
lines[i] An array of lines on the board's grid. Undefined if there are no lines.
lines[].type Either "line" or "arrow". If "arrow", the line ends in an arrow head shape.
lines[].start.row The line's starting row.
lines[].start.col The line's starting column.
lines[].end.row The line's ending row.
lines[].end.col The line's ending column.
borders An object specifying which edges have borders.
borders.north Whether the north edge has a border.
borders.east Whether the east edge has a border.
borders.south Whether the south edge has a border.
borders.west Whether the west edge has a border.
axes An object describing the axes/coordinate labels. Undefined if the axes are hidden.
axes.x.labels Labels for the x-axis, starting from the west. Each character in the string is a label.
axes.x.position Where to show the x-axis: either "north" or "south".
axes.y.labels An array of labels for the y-axis, starting from the north. Each element is a number.
axes.y.position Where to show the y-axis: either "east" or "west".