Slick Router
Slick Router is a powerful, flexible router that translates URL changes into route transitions allowing to put the application into a desired state. It is derived from cherrytree library (see differences).
- Can be used with any view and data framework
- Can nest routes allowing to create nested UI and/or state
- Route transition is a first class citizen - abort, pause, resume, retry
- Generate links in a systematic way, e.g.
router.generate('commit', {sha: '1e2760'})
- Use pushState or hashchange for URL change detection
- Define path dynamic segments (uses path-to-regexp under the hood)
- Supports custom query string parser
- Trigger router navigate programatically
- With builtin middlewares/components:
- Render nested UI using web components
- Streamlined support for code spliting and lazy loading
- Expose route state to components
- Declarative handling of router links
- Allow to animate route transitions
The main library size including path-to-regexp dependency is ~15kB minified (without gzip compression). wc and routerLinks middlewares accounts for 3kb each. See webpack test project for more results.
$ npm install --save slick-router
- Intro Guide
- Router Configuration
- Programmatic Navigation and Link Handling
- Route Transition
- Common Situations
- Changelog
Builtin middlewares
- wc (advanced Web Component rendering and lifecycle)
- routerLinks (handle route related links state)
- events (fires route events on window)
Builtin components
- animated-outlet (enable animation on route transitions)
import { Router } from 'slick-router';
// route tree definition
const routes = function (route) {
route('application', {path: '/', component: 'my-app'}, function () {
route('feed', {path: ''})
route('status', {path: ':user/status/:id'})
route('profile', {path: ':user', private: true}, function () {
route('profile.lists', {component: 'profile-lists'})
route('profile.edit', {component: 'profile-edit'})
// create the router
var router = new Router({
// renders a web component defined through component option
// or using route name suffixed with "-view"
// for advanced features use builtin wc middleware
router.use(async function render (transition) {
const routes = transition.routes
for (const route of routes) {
const parent = routes[routes.indexOf(route) - 1]
const tagName = route.options.component || `${}-view`
const el = route.el = document.createElement(tagName)
const containerEl = parent ? parent.el.querySelector('.outlet') : document.body
// supports lazy rendering e.g. LitElement and SkateJS
await (el.updateComplete || Promise.resolve())
// protect private routes
router.use(function privateHandler (transition) {
if (transition.routes.some(route => route.options.private)) {
if (!userLogged()) {
// for error logging attach a catch handler to transition promise...
router.use(function errorHandler (transition) {
transition.catch(function (err) {
if (err.type !== 'TransitionCancelled' && err.type !== 'TransitionRedirected') {
// ...or use the error hook
error: function (transition, err) {
if (err.type !== 'TransitionCancelled' && err.type !== 'TransitionRedirected') {
// start listening to URL changes
- lit-element-mobx-realworld A complete app that uses router advanced features. Live demo
You can also clone this repo and run the examples
- hello-world-jquery - minimal example with good old jquery
- hello-world-react - minimal example with React
- hello-world-wc - minimal example with Web Component (no build required)
- vanilla-blog - a small static demo of blog like app that uses no framework
Browser Support
Slick Router works in all modern browsers. V1 requires es5 environment and es6 promises. Use polyfills for those if you have to support older browsers, e.g.:
Copyright (c) 2020 Luiz Américo Pereira Câmara
Copyright (c) 2017 Karolis Narkevicius