Slicknode Runtime
IMPORTANT: This library should be considered an implementation detail and should not be used directly. Please consult the Slicknode documentation on how to create and write runtime handlers.
Lightweight zero dependency wrapper to process calls from Slicknode GraphQL servers to custom runtime handlers in NodeJS.
- Delegates Slicknode runtime requests to the corresponding javascript code
- Validates request signatures and authentication
- Handles errors
- Formats responses to the format expected by the Slicknode GraphQL server
npm install slicknode-runtime
This library is intended to be used with Slicknode
import { SlicknodeRuntime } from 'slicknode-runtime';
const runtime = new SlicknodeRuntime({
// The secret key that requests are signed with by the Slicknode GraphQL server
// Requests are rejected on mismatch
// Defaults to process.env.SLICKNODE_SECRET
// If none provided and SLICKNODE_SECRET env variable is not set, authentication is
// skipped (insecure, for testing only)
secret: 'somesecretkey',
// Optional: The maximum allowed clockdrift in seconds for signature timestamps between the
// two servers
// Default: 120
maxClockDrift: 30,
// Watch for file-system changes (for development mode) and always execute current code that
// is stored on disk without process restart. Executes the handler in a service worker
watch: false,
// Register slicknode modules
runtime.register('@private/my-slicknode-module-id', 'path-to-node-module');
// ...
// Execute by passing the request body (as string) and an object of the
// request headers. Then return as HTTP response...
// For express for example:
type: 'application/json',
);'/', async (req, res) => {
const data = await runtime.execute(req.body.toString(), req.headers);
return res.json(data);