SlideProjector 0.3
Lightweight jQuery plugin to slide the slides in different ways. Can be extended with custom implementations. Doesn't style your DOM-elements, see demo links below to get basic HTML and CSS styles for starters.
Simple transition through fade-in-out. With optional preview items (or just some bullets). Demo.
Simple transition through slide in. With optional preview items (or just some bullets). Demo
Supports responsive to resize stripe of variable width slides. Demo
Available with npm and bower.
npm install slideprojector
bower install slideprojector
Requires jquery (surprisingly)
<script src=""></script>
Use full script file: dist/jquery.slideprojector.full.js
or just bare plugin dist/jquery.slideprojector.js
with any of the following: dist/jquery.slideprojector.(fade|slide|poproll).js
Init with: $('#content-stripe').slideprojector(commonOptions, implementationOptions);
Access with: $('#content-stripe').data('slideprojector').onScrollNext();
Setup common options default values
Available through $.fn.slideprojector.defaults
. For instance to set default animation duration to 750ms, use:
$.fn.slideprojector.defaults.duration = 750
{String} implementation
Implementaon name. 'fade' and 'poproll' are available. More can be added with$.fn.slideprojector.registerImplementation(impl, name)
{String|Element|jQuery} slideItems
{String|Element|jQuery} [scrollPrevControl]
{String|Element|jQuery} [scrollNextControl]
{Number} [selectedIndex=0]
Initially selected item index{Boolean} [cycleSlides=true]
Cycle slides from last to first and otherwise{String|Element|jQuery} [previewItems]
{Number} [duration=1000]
Slides switch transition duration (ms){Boolean} [idleScroll=false]
Enable spontaneous periodical scroll on idle{Number} [idleScrollInterval=4000]
Idle interval (ms){Function} [onBeforeScroll]
Before scroll callback, can cancel scroll withreturn false
{Function} [onAfterScroll]
After scroll callback{String} [hiddenClassName='sp-hidden']
Class name to hide elements{String} [previewSelectedClassName='sp-selected']
Class name for active preview item
{Boolean} [queueSlidesAnimation=false]
Perform fade in for active item after fade out of previos slide has completed
{Number} [basicZIndex=0]
Basic CSS z-index property value for slide items{Number} [animationZIndex=1]
z-index value to set during slide animation to make new slide ontop of current one{String} [easing='swing']
Animation easing equation name for jQuery.animate.'swing'
No specific options available.
Following commonOptions will be igonred: previewItems
, previewSelectedClassName
, cycleSlides
Custom implementations
var impl = function () {
this.__super.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
$.fn.slideprojector.registerImplementation(impl, 'custom');
$.extend(impl.prototype, {
getImplementationDefaults: function () {
return {
logFormat: '[%s] %s perfored'
afterScroll: function (toIndex) {, toIndex);
console.log(this.implOptions.logFormat, 'scroll', new Date());
Custom implementation now available with
implementation: 'custom'