Google HTML5 Rocks - Slide Show (S9) Template Pack
What's Slide Show (S9)?
A Ruby gem that lets you create slide shows and author slides in plain text using a wiki-style markup language that's easy-to-write and easy-to-read. More Slide Show (S9) Project Site ยป
Google's HTML5 Rocks Slides code bundled up into a Slide Show (S9) template pack (includes Moon, Sand and Sea Wave themes).
See the original HTML5 Rocks slides in action.
Note, the package is configured to use the following headers in html5.html.erb
title: Your Slide Show Title Here (e.g. HTML5)
subtitle: Your Subtitle Here (e.g. Web Development to the next level)
Try It Yourself - How To Use the Template Pack
If you want to try it yourself, install (fetch) the new template pack. Issue the command:
$ slideshow install g5
Or as an alternative clone the template pack using git
. Issue the commands:
$ cd ~/.slideshow/templates
$ git clone git://
To check if the new template got installed, use the list
$ slideshow list
Listing something like:
Installed templates include:
g5.txt (~/.slideshow/templates/g5/g5.txt)
Now you're ready to use it using the -t/--template
switch. Example:
$ slideshow build tutorial -t g5
That's it.
Questions? Comments?
Questions? Comments? Send them along to the Free Web Slide Show Alternatives (S5, S6, S9, Slidy And Friends) Forum/Mailing List. Thanks!