S5 Blank - Slide Show (S9) Template Pack
What's Slide Show (S9)?
A Ruby gem that lets you create slide shows and author slides in plain text using a wiki-style markup language that's easy-to-write and easy-to-read. More Slide Show (S9) Project Site ยป
The S5 Blank package bundled up into a Slide Show (S9) template pack that lets you author your slides in a wiki-style markup language (that is, Markdown or Textile) plus lets you use text filters and helpers for adding comments, macros, includes, syntax highlighters and much more.
Note, the S5 blank package is configured to use
the following headers in slides.html.erb
author: Your Name Here
company: Your Company Here
title: Your Slide Show Title Here
subtitle: Your Subtitle Here
footer: Your Footer Here
subfooter: Your Subfooter Here
See the original S5: An Introduction slides in action or see the Slide Show (S9) Tutorial slides built using this template pack.
Try It Yourself - How To Use the S5 Blank Template Pack
If you want to try it yourself, install (fetch) the new template pack. Issue the command:
$ slideshow install s5blank
Or as an alternative clone the template pack using git
. Issue the commands:
$ cd ~/.slideshow/templates
$ git clone git://
To check if the new template got installed, use the list
$ slideshow list
Listing something like:
Installed templates include:
s5blank (~/.slideshow/templates/s5blank/s5blank.txt)
Tip: To get started use the welcome quick starter sample. Issue the command:
$ slideshow new
Now you will have a copy of the welcome.text
Quick Starter sample
in Markdown in your working folder.
%% Some Headers
Title: Slide Show (S9) 10-Minute Tutorial
%% Let's go.
# Slide Show (S9) 10-Minute Tutorial
* What's Slide Show (S9)?
* Wiki-Style Markup Language - Markdown, Textile
* How it works - Just press F11!
* What's S5? What's S6?
* Gradient Themes Using "Loss-Free" Vector Graphics in S9
# What's Slide Show (S9)?
### What?
A Free Web Alternative to PowerPoint and KeyNote in Ruby
### Getting Started in 1-2-3 Easy Steps
* Step 1: Author your slides in plain text using a wiki-style markup language
* Step 2: Generate your slide show using the `slideshow` gem
* Step 3: Open up your slide show in your browser and hit the space bar to flip through your slides
* That's it. Showtime!
Showtime! Let's use the -t/--template
switch to build the
sample slide show. Example:
$ slideshow build welcome.text -t s5blank
Open up the generated welcome.html
page in your browser. Voila. That's it.
Questions? Comments?
Questions? Comments? Send them along to the Free Web Slide Show Alternatives (S5, S6, S9, Slidy And Friends) Forum/Mailing List. Thanks!