
Count stuff within a time interval e.g. how many users logged in the last hour?

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slidingWindowCounter from '';



Count stuff within a time interval e.g. how many users logged in the last hour?

npm install sliding-window-counter

Usage - standard

var counter = require('sliding-window-counter');
var cnt = counter(10000); // Track events the last 10s

cnt(5); // add 5 events

setInterval(function() {
    cnt(1); // add 1 event
}, 2000);

setInterval(function() {
    console.log(cnt(), 'events during the last 10s');
}, 1000);

Usage - serialization

It is possible to serialize a counter, and reload the data later on.

var counter = require('sliding-window-counter');
var cnt = counter(10000);

// ... have the counter run for a while

var oldData = cnt.toJSON();
var newCnt = counter(oldData);
// ...
