
Wrapper around nsfw to ease watching directories.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slimwatch from '';


Performant File Watching

If you have attempted watching huge folders or thousands of files via NodeJs, then you know how much a pain it is.

Node is just bad at that!

NSFW solves this issue by using a native module to watch files ensuring a consistent API and minimal footprint.

This wrapper simply helps you use NSFW effectively by managing things like:

  • Wrapping the watcher in a class for easy use
  • Managing graceful exit to ensure all watchers are stopped
  • Collapsing duplicate events into a single array of only unique events
  • Enables you to ignore ".git" folders
  • Automatic directory resolution as NSFW only works with absolute paths
  • Adds more information to the returned arrays

How to use

const watch = require("slimwatch");

const opts = { 
    ignore_git: true, 
    optimize_events: true 

watch("/YOUR-DIR", function(err, event) {
    if (err) console.error(err);
    else console.log(event)
}, opts);

Whenever changes occur, the callback is called with an array listing all the changes as shown below.

    "action": 2,
    "directory": "/home/node/slimwatch", 
    "file": "index.js",
    "file_path": "/home/node/slimwatch/index.js",
    "action_name": "modified"

Enjoy performant file watching! :-)