
Dependency free performant slider

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import slipnslider from '';



Another Slider?

Sure is. While there are many slider plugins available with a multitude of configurable options, they still seem to have restrictions with having dependencies and even performance issues. Highlights of this slider:

  • All vanilla Javascript (written in ES6 and compiled to ES5 with Babel)
  • Many configurable options (with more to come!) without over-bloating the code
  • All options are definable within responsive breakpoints
  • Extremely fast initialization, tear down, and re-initialization process (unnoticeable)

Current options include (with defaults):

  1. isInfinite: false
  • Determines whether slider appears to be infinite with no end in either direction
  1. hasDotNav: true
  • Handles display property of the dots for showing relevant
  1. hasControls: true
  • Handles whether the prev and next buttons get created and appended
  1. navContainer: Slider DOM Element
  • DOM Node for appending the prev and next buttons to (appends ul with li children)
  1. dotsContainer: Slider DOM Element
  • DOM Node for appending the dots to
  1. navText: ['prev', 'next']
  • Text/HTML to have rendered inside of the prev and next button tags
  1. slideElement: 'div'
  • Which element tag to have as your slide
  1. stageElement: 'div'
  • Which element tag to have as the stage/slides-wrapper
  1. slidePadding: 10
  • Space between the slides (measured in pixels)
  1. slidesPerPage: 1
  • How many full slides desired to have in view at a single time
  1. prevNavigationCallback: function(direction) { console.log('prev callback', direction); }
  • Callback to hook into the previous navigation function
  1. nextNavigationCallback: function(direction) { console.log('next callback', direction); }
  • Callback to hook into the next navigation function
  1. dotClickCallback: function(prevIndex, nextIndex) { console.log('dot click callback', prevIndex, nextIndex); }
  • Callback to hook into clicking a dot
  1. responsive: {}
  • Allows for customizeable options at certain window widths. Define a key that is the window width min, and the value is an object with any of the key value options defined above. For Example:
responsive: {
  0: {
    slidesPerPage: 1,
    isInfinite: false
  420: {
    slidesPerPage: 2,
    isInfinite: true

Errors or want more features?

Submit an issue or pull request.